Expression Sweet Red l Red Wine | 750ml


The price of Expression Sweet Red 75cl in Nigeria is ₦8,400. Expression Sweet Red is a South African wine made from red grapes that comes in a range of sweetness levels. It has notes of ripe red fruits like berries and cherries, and pairs well with chocolate desserts. This wine can be enjoyed with dishes that complement its sweetness, such as chocolate desserts. Buy Expression Sweet Red Wine online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite wine on | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.


The price of Expression Sweet Red 75cl in Nigeria is ₦8,400. Expression Sweet Red is a South African wine made from red grapes that comes in a range of sweetness levels. It has notes of ripe red fruits like berries and cherries, and pairs well with chocolate desserts. This wine can be enjoyed with dishes that complement its sweetness, such as chocolate desserts. Buy Expression Sweet Red Wine online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite wine on | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.



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