4th Street Sweet Red | Red Wine | 75cl


The price of 4th Street Sweet Red 75cl in Nigeria is ₦4,700.

This is a Sweet Red wines made from quality grapes sourced from selected vineyards throughout the Western Cape. It has a fruity sweetness that comes from preserving fresh grape juice and allowing no fermentation. It combines its sophisticated taste perfectly with its playful, fruity taste. If you’re all about the perfect combination of playful and edgy, then this is the wine for you Buy 4th Street Sweet Red online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite wine on naijaliquor.com | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.


The price of 4th Street Sweet Red 75cl in Nigeria is ₦4,700. This is a Sweet Red wines made from quality grapes sourced from selected vineyards throughout the Western Cape. It has a fruity sweetness that comes from preserving fresh grape juice and allowing no fermentation. It combines its sophisticated taste perfectly with its playful, fruity taste. If you’re all about the perfect combination of playful and edgy, then this is the wine for you Buy 4th Street Sweet Red online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite wine on naijaliquor.com | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.