Magic Moment | Vodka | 75cl
The price of Magic Moments 75cl in Nigeria is ₦6,500. Magic Moments grain vodka 75 cl is an irresistible blend of imported vodka and the rich taste of cream. It is a triple-distilled grain spirit manufactured in one of India’s largest factories, Radico Khaitan Ltd. It has a smooth and perfect blend of teasing ingredients, giving it an enriched taste. It has a clean and fresh taste with a subtle aroma of neutral grain spirit and a neutral taste. Buy Magic Moment online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite vodka on | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.
The price of Magic Moments 75cl in Nigeria is ₦6,500. Magic Moments grain vodka 75 cl is an irresistible blend of imported vodka and the rich taste of cream. It is a triple-distilled grain spirit manufactured in one of India’s largest factories, Radico Khaitan Ltd. It has a smooth and perfect blend of teasing ingredients, giving it an enriched taste. It has a clean and fresh taste with a subtle aroma of neutral grain spirit and a neutral taste. Buy Magic Moment online at Naija Liquor. Get your favourite vodka on | Most trusted online liquor store in Nigeria.
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